As people age often seniors and their family members want to know how to get their affairs in order. Even before retirement age arrives one needs to be prepared for unexpected life events that may have a disruptive impact upon their life. If an emergency strikes seniors and family members do not want to be caught unprepared to handle things in the aftermath. The following are documents and information that are important for ensuring that your affairs are in order and accessible to your designated representative(s). Be sure that these documents are properly safeguarded:
- Last Will and Testament
- Advanced Directives/Living Will
- Durable Power of Attorney (Financial & Medical)
- Long Term Care Insurance Policy and Life Insurance Policy
- Listing of emergency contacts, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses
- Listing of medications and allergies along with phone numbers of doctors
- Copies of medical insurance cards and Social Security card
- Copy of Photo I.D.
- Listing of financial institutions, contacts, account numbers and passwords
- Identification of location of last income tax records filed or name of accountant
- Identification of computer and cell phone passwords
- Listing of home owners & automobile insurance policies
- Identification of where spare house key is located
- Name of Veterinarian & boarding place for pets
- Funeral & Burial arrangements completed/prepaid
Putting your affairs in order will prevent complications and problems from occurring when faced with an unexpected situation.
Gary Kozick, LCSW