Gary's Guidance: Top 5 and Bottom 5 Things Having to Do With Growing Older

February 2019

Time waits for no one! But time is on your side when taking responsibility for a healthy lifestyle. Things can get better over time. The opposite is true as being neglectful can lead to illness or hardship. Here are things to consider as we age regarding our well being:

  1. Work on ensuring that spiritual and emotional support systems are in place. These include maintaining friendships and engaging in self-defined spirituality.
  1. Make sure that there are supports for maintaining independence in managing instrumental activities of daily living: ability to use the telephone/ answering machine, shopping, cooking, laundry, housekeeping, self-managing medications, managing finances, and transportation.
  1. Engage in meaningful occupation of your time during pre and post retirement. Having meaningful work, hobbies & interests are vital to one’s well being.
  1. Make your home safe and pay attention to safety within the greater community.
  1. Accessibility of resources within the community: library, U.S. Postal Service, parks, social service agencies, places of worship, transportation, banks, etc.
  1. Complete your Last Will & Testament, Advanced Directives (Living Will), Durable Power of Attorney, estate planning, and funeral/ burial arrangements.
  1. Consider the location of your residence/ living arrangement in conjunction with your family, friends, and the quality of life within your community.
  1. Re-evaluate your ability to safely drive a car. Consider alternative modes of transportation or stop driving if indicated.
  1. Re-evaluate your finances or seek professional consultation from a Certified Financial Planner for guidance.
  1. Identify any other thing that is important while growing older:                          .

Please consider the top five or bottom five points as they are all important to our well being while growing older.

Gary Kozick, LCSW
